On the 22nd of December 2003 as Longwall 4 at Southland retreated past 17 c/t in the tailgate a high CO alarm was recorded in the Longwall Tailgate. At 22.00 hrs the Upcast Shaft CO monitor alarmed at 9 ppm CO. By 2am on the 23rd of December the Longwall Return CO Concentration was 61 ppm and the Upcast shaft 30ppm.
The Mine Manager arranged for an inspection of TG seals which detected 600ppm at 11c/t. The mine was evacuated at 6.30am.
At 8.30am on the 23rd of December repairs were made to 17c/t seal. Reports of a Tarry smell were recorded at 14 c/t. At 16.00 the NSW Department of Mineral Resources directed no persons be permitted underground.
On the 24th of December, the main fan was slowed down to reduce air to the fire location. At 18.00 black smoke was billowing from the main fan with CO recorded at 108ppm.
A 02.00 on the 25th of December exclusion zones were established around mine entrances. By 03.25 an active fire was rapidly burning. By 05.20 white smoke was billowing from the #3 shaft main fans.
The QMRS GAG was installed on the mine drift and operated from the 27-29th of December 2003. The main fans tripped on Overload due to the tar produced by the fire at 09.47 on the 29th of December. The GAG was stopped at 10.15.
Temporary mine seals were installed at 20.00 on the 29th of December.
The mine self intertised from the 31st of December to the 21st of January 2004.
Attempts to restore ventilation to the drifts and outbye areas of the mine were conducted on the 21st of January using Shaft #1. Attempts to ventilate Shaft #3 indicated signs of reactivation of the fire which were immediately halted.
Reentry to the drift commenced on the 6th of February 2004.
6-16 Feb 2004 Ventilation restored to outbye roadways. Pumping of water from Bellbird Mains to access SL4
22 Feb TG Roadway sealed from UG.
26 Feb Maingate Temporary Seals in place.
27 Feb commence recovery of MG 4 with belt road as return.
11 March 2004 Secondary Fire and Fall at 7c/t and Fall at 6 c/t SL4 MG. SL4 MG resealed.
16 March 2004 SL5 development reentered. CM discovered buried.
17 March 2004. Workforce was retrenched and the mine prepared for Care and Maintenance.